This blog has been a new experiment we at Enzen have undertaken this year - to make the world at large aware of a life-essential area that will determine how nations fare in the future, and where we leave our planet.
We have been attempting to bring to the table some of the issues and challenges that require fresh thinking. We believe everyone of us can contribute, expert or no expert. For, it is not the technology as much as what it holds out, that has been our focus.
In this effort, we would like to thank some of the energy blogs and green sites we have come to rely on for the latest news in the field. These are listed on our homepage as our Must Reads.
Feeling our way in a new open space, we have been learning how to blog better, from our peers and fellow bloggers. Sometimes it becomes a bit disappointing to see no responses. At other times, a single brief response has been enough to set the spirit soaring. Somebody is reading, so we can hope for an impact somewhere. We believe in the power of the individual to drive change. All it needs is for each of you to pass on this blog id to a friend who you think is concerned about these issues.
We do realise there are many of you who read the blog and have sent in your appreciations. We would like your comments too, on the posts. Do NOT hesitate to voice your opinion or even questions, however basic they be. We need to think and ask questions like never before.
It is time all of us exert our collective influence on our policy makers and this can be done best by active participation in such forums. We cannot afford to leave our nation and planet in the hands of a few. Energy can build or destroy. We must channelise it in the most productive, environmentally friendly ways so that a majority benefits.
If somewhere along the way, the discussions we ignite here help steer our policies in the right direction, that would be the capital we are paid in.
Wishing all of you a productive, peaceful, joyous and 'thinking' new year.
(The picture has been sourced from TreeHugger site, one which we have been following keenly with its rich diversity topics on all things green. )