Sunday, June 28, 2009
Heat exchange
When it opens in 2010, the nine-storey £80 million Telehouse West data centre in London’s Docklands will provide up to 9MW of ‘free heat’ – enough for water and space heating in about 450 local homes.
Telehouse intends to install a heat exchange unit to pump water, warmed by the data centre’s cooling systems, to the perimeter of the site, from where a developer can pipe it on to their own site and use a heat exchanger to warm or cool buildings.
If the waste heat is used to the full, it should result in an overall annual saving of 1,110 tonnes of CO2 emissions in the UK alone.
It is time for innovative thinking. Every conversion of energy possible has to be studied so that what is being wasted can be used. As we have shown here with examples from the world over – footsteps harnessed to energy, tidal power into electrical, etc.
Can you think of an innovative idea to capture energy? Let us know and you could win $10,000.
Asia most vulnerable
The ADB also said Asia was the most vulnerable region to climate change. Water shortages, extreme weather and low-lying coastal cities could all be severely impacted by only moderate climate change.
Some of Asia’s biggest cities like Bangkok, Jakarta, Karachi, Manila, Mumbai and Shanghai, are vulnerable to sea level rises and unpredictable weather patterns.
Additionally, the ADB said water shortages could knock down crop yields by as much as 30% by 2050.
Can we step up efforts to stimulate low-carbon growth on the scale required? As governments focus on economic growth, is there adequate recognition of the fact that mindless use of fossil fuels could backfire?
Energy on the farm
80-85% of water utilisation in India is from agriculture, with irrigation also being the largest consumer of agricultural energy. Only 10 percent are big farmers. The rest have to often pool resources. Pumpsets, tractors and fertilisers account for the large energy intake.
Replacing large-scale fertiliser use with mixed crop farming and crop rotation, desisting from slash and burn practice, rainwater harvesting instead of over-exploitation on groundwater, are being advocated to reduce the carbon and water footprint of agriculture.
Will it mean a return to animal power on our farms? Is there any visible reduction in the use of fertiliser? If the nutrients have been removed from the soil, can natural farming address the situation?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Steadying the wind
Exergy is a term from thermodynamics that measures the energy in a system that is available to do work.
Turbine design must meet load requirements and produce energy at a minimal per dollar cost. In order to address this cost issue, performance characteristics such as power output versus wind speed or versus rotor angular velocity must be optimized. Exergy analysis looks at the "quality" of the energy produced by a system.
The Iranian scientists have now developed an improved exergy analysis for wind turbines, which considers the kinetic exergy of the wind in much greater detail. Their approach offers a way to optimize a wind turbine's three main parameters, cut-in, rated, and furling wind speeds, so that usable energy is maximized at any given wind speed from the gentlest breeze to a roaring gale; within the safe working parameters of the turbine.
Meanwhile some cheer for the sector. Large amounts of capacity of hot standby is not the only way to deal with variability of wind or solar energy. The variability of renewable energy sources such as wind, often cited as the sector’s Achilles’ heel, does not have to be a problem, according to a report by National Grid, the electricity operator in UK.
New network technology could play a strong role in managing renewable energy variability instead of back-up generation alone, it says.
Smart meters and grid would allow electricity demand to be actively managed – for example by automatically shifting demand to off-peak times. Electric vehicles, flywheels, compressed air, etc are also considered as storage options in the report.
A carbon timer

Thursday, June 18, 2009
The jigsaw puzzle
Is specialization the problem? Or is it lack of integration? Whether addressing distribution problems, or retrofitting buildings and industries to gobble less energy, why are inefficiencies refusing to go away?
We have the experts but the problem arises in lack of integration skills or the big picture perspective. While optimizing components, when fit together the result is not so efficient. Where is the missing mass going, to put it in Einsteinspeak?! (When two masses fuse, the product has a mass less than the sum of the reactants. This was shown to be converted to energy.)
The answer is: Bad engineering design. Poorly designed processes and systems that do not take integration seriously end up gobbling energy and resources and go undetected.
There are other issues like being stuck in the traditional way of doing things which often requires one to shut the brain and simply build as per the norm. But by and large, it is the assembling into one efficient system that fails.
Going from the small scale to the larger arena, again integration is missing. We now know that carbon dioxide induced climate change is melting the glaciers and in turn water availability is affected, and finally food grain production. But the widest gaps in integration exist between ministries of energy, water and agriculture in most countries. Hence, they do not understand the broader effects of the decisions they take.
Specialisation helps address problems specific to the domain, but perhaps we need integration specialists now?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Convenient lie
Do you believe climate change induced effects are blown out of proportion? Or do you think there is no danger?
What has the media been telling you?
Are you aware that science has been throwing up proof of human induced climate change, and that the results are already upon us? You can find umpteen studies online. The latest is the U.S. government’s newest survey of the impacts of climate change which lays out a detailed picture of the impacts of rising temperatures in the U.S., from rising sea levels that threaten the Southeast, to water shortages that will dessicate the Southwest, to the decline of the maple syrup industry in the Northeast.
Nasa pictures have shown the shrinking polar ice caps down the years and taken during the same season.
Infectious diseases are on the rise. Why? Again, studies in the Lancet have shown the link to climate change. Researchers believe that global warming is already responsible for some 150,000 deaths each year around the world, and fear that the number may well double by 2030 even if we start getting serious about emissions reductions today.
A team of scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the University of Wisconsin at Madison published these findings last year in Nature. Besides killing people, global warming also contributes to some five million human illnesses every year, the researchers found. This happens through the speeding the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever; creating conditions that lead to potentially fatal malnutrition and diarrhea; and increasing the frequency and severity of heat waves, floods and other weather-related disasters.
In the US, a Stanford engineer showed the direct link between rising levels of CO2 and human mortality. . He found that the added air pollution caused by each degree Celsius increase in temperature caused by CO2 leads to about 1,000 additional deaths in the U.S. and many more cases of respiratory illness and asthma. As many as 20,000 air-pollution related deaths may occur worldwide each year with each one degree Celsius increase.
Heavy downpour in parts and droughts elsewhere. Why?
What will make the public accept the truth? Any bright idea?
Share your thoughts as we try to understand what drives public opinion.
Soaring with imagination
The researchers found that the regions best suited for harvesting this energy match with population centers in the eastern U.S. and East Asia, where median values are greater than 10 kilowatts per square meter.
Using 28 years of data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction and the Department of Energy, the team compiled the first-ever global survey of wind energy available at high altitudes in the atmosphere.
The researchers assessed potential for wind power in terms of wind power density, which takes into account both wind speed and air density at different altitudes. To harness the huge amount of energy, one has to go to heights of 30,000 feet.
Jet streams shift seasonally, but otherwise are persistent features in the atmosphere. They are generally steadier and 10 times faster than winds near the ground, making them a potentially vast and dependable source of energy.
Using kite-like turbines, up to 40 megawatts of electricity could be generated by current designs and transmitted to the ground via the tether.
Some amount of fluctuation cannot be ruled out as even over the best areas, the wind can be expected to fail about five percent of the time. A global scale grid could be the solution.
Infrastructure is again the key challenge and the cost. Just as in the case of space based solar power. A detailed cost-benefit calculation could show if it is worth pursuing these flights of imagination.
User and source converge!
The companies plan to turn a by-product of the wastewater treatment plant into gas for the local network and fuel for a fleet of sludge tankers. Biogas is produced through a process called "anaerobic digestion" when wastewater sludge is broken down by the action of microbes.
The biogas will be upgraded to remove carbon dioxide and trace elements, leaving biomethane which will be conditioned with propane and odorants before being pumped into the network and back into their homes.
The 4.3 million pound project should be operational by early 2011 and supply enough gas for about 500 homes. Biogas in this case offers a steady energy as sewage treatment is a 24x7 process. Perennial power?
With sizeable populations as in developing nations, this should be an ideal energy source.
Lighting the way

HID Laboratories’ ballast uses electronic circuits and a robotic control algorithm to more tightly control elements like the current and frequency in the lamps. Instead of using a filament, like incandescent bulbs, HIDs have a capsule filled with gas that produces light when hit with an electric current. By smoothing the current and running the lamps at a higher frequency, the controls can get more light out of a lower-wattage bulb.
While conventional HID lights get between 60 and 80 lumens per watt, the SmartPod will deliver 90-103 lumens per watt, the company claims. For comparison, typical incandescent bulbs get 10-20 lumens per watt, fluorescent lights get 70-80 lumens per watt and most LEDs deliver 60-90 lumens per watt.
Three markets with big potential for the SmartPod are industrial manufacturing, commercial warehouses and “ultra-high bay” lighting, which illuminates large spaces with really high ceilings.
Stitching up every hole in the energy pocket helps.
As we had posted earlier, street lights guzzle a lot of energy, and often it is a waste. Smart ways of getting the most out of a gadget without spending too much energy are part of the solutions we seek.
MIT researchers have figured out why concrete breaks down and thanks to the research we could have buildings, bridges, and sidewalks last for hundreds of years!
Creep or the process that create cracks is created when calcium-silicate-hydrates (CSH) rearrange at the nano scale. When mixed with water, CSH particles change in density from 64% to 74%. Now, by adding silica fumes to concrete, overall density can increase to 87% and could eventually lead to lasting, lighter structures.
It could also mean reduction in the need for concrete, and hence, the associated 5-8 percent emissions from concrete constructions could also reduce. Considering that 20 bn tons of concrete is churned out annually, that’s a lot.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Linking up
Adhering to the needs of the commission, an Irish firm, Imera announced its plans to build EuropaGrid – a €4.4 billion ($6 billion) project that will develop North Sea and Atlantic electricity grids connecting key markets and offshore wind farms, thus providing an apt solution.
With interconnectors between Ireland and the UK, France and the UK, and Belgium and the UK, these projects form the foundation for EuropaGrid. It will comprise of two networks. EuropaGrid North Sea will connect Scandinavia, Western Europe and the UK.
There are financial barriers which Imera faces as this is majorly a private concern and there is not much funding from the government. However, the company is optimistic that even with recession, infrastructure investment has not suffered and hence, this can be implemented without any hitch.
Imera uses a technology called HVDC VSC (voltage source converter), extruded polymer underground cables. The system comprises two (or more) converter stations at the ends of the transmission and an underground or submarine cable link between them.
Standardized designs with compact, factory assembled, pre-tested transportable modules allow for delivery times as short as 12 months. Converter stations are virtually maintenance free.
Can we think of a similar linked grid for coastal Asia? Why not? Is it not an advantage to link up and share natural resources? More energy can be harvested that way.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Fudging accounts?
The framework aims to “mainstream” climate change reporting – to recognize the risks and opportunities global warming presents and how corporate strategies are addressing them. The CDSB is a consortium of business and environmental organisations, including among others the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), The Climate Group and International Emissions Trading Association.
The reporting framework is now open to public consultation until September with a proposed update to be released in time for the Copenhagen negotiations in December.
Meanwhile, the first of the big banks HSBC which went carbon neutral in 2005 has released its 2008 Sustainability report. Has the move on climate change helped? Yes, through its lending policies where its commitment to the issue was first on the list.
By adopting a framework to move towards a low carbon economy, (even if a bit vague or largely aspirational) by planning climate change related insurance products linked to forest protection, by actively planning to review energy sector policy, it shows big plans.
But actually its carbon footprint has actually increased 44 percent since 2005! So are we seeing more of lip-service than actual translation?
Jatropha tales
According to the report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it requires five times as much water per unit as corn and sugarcane, and 10 times as much water as sugar beet, the most water-efficient biofuel crop.
Not just that, but, as recently reported in Yale Environment 360, the results show that just because jatropha can grow in arid places doesn’t mean the plant will produce much oil. To flourish, the plant needs good growing conditions just like any other plant, said study co-author.
Perhaps with the new minister at the helm of the MoEF, it is time to wake up to realities. Else it may become a case of jumping from one crisis to another.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Carbon cap, or an equivalent?
While it is true that China is relying on fossil fuels largely, what is often glossed over are the steps towards clean energy. In fact, it is among the world leaders in solar, wind, electric and grid technologies. Read the TEC post for impressive details of China’s plans.
At present, approximately 9 percent of its stimulus package is for sustainable development. More is to come by way of $660 billion for new energy developments. Reducing energy intensity and reducing emissions as a result by up to 1 billion tons from 2010, energy efficiency benchmarks for energy consuming firms, rebate for efficient bulbs, replacing old power plants by new efficient ones, its RE law, UHV technology advancement, etc mean huge emission mitigation potential.
In such a scenario, is it fair to demand carbon emission caps? Should a comparison of activities undertaken along with a business as usual scenario be taken into account? Should ‘carbon cap equivalents’ that model emission reductions to a future date be a better option?
Making history
Developing countries like China and India are not willing to limit emissions and compromise on the economy, which could lead to socio-political instability.
But can nations afford such notions of sovereignty and national interest when faced with grim implications of climate change? A paradox that the recession is drawing the world inwards while climate change forcing a world view!
Again, is apportioning past blame helpful in finding solutions? But is it really wrong to expect the guilty party to pay up?
Or, do we accept that we have become our brothers’ keepers, and that we will not find a common solution without some flexibility? Like saying, ok we will accept a cap but only if compensated in some way, either funds or technology transfer.
The way nations will negotiate, this is going to be the ‘most complex diplomatic negotiations in the history of the world’ in the words of U.S. Rep. Edward Markey, co-author of the US climate bill.
Our ideas can help. Do write in.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Energy Unlimited?
But what is this anti-matter? Can it solve the world’s energy crisis?
In antimatter-matter collisions resulting in photon emission, the entire rest mass of the particles is converted to kinetic energy. The energy per unit mass (9×1016 J/kg) is about 10 orders of magnitude greater than chemical energy, about 4 orders of magnitude greater than nuclear energy that can be liberated today using nuclear fission and about 2 orders of magnitude greater than the best possible from fusion. The reaction of 1 kg of antimatter with 1 kg of matter would produce 1.8×1017 J (180 petajoules) of energy or the rough equivalent of 47 megatons of TNT. Energy needs of the world could be forever solved, if only we could store the antimatter and use it in a controlled manner!
Anti-matter is composed of antiparticles in the same way that normal matter is composed of particles. For example, an antielectron (a positron, an electron with a positive charge) and an antiproton (a proton with a negative charge) could form an antihydrogen atom in the same way that an electron and a proton form a normal matter hydrogen atom.
Mixing matter and antimatter would lead to the annihilation of both in the same way that mixing antiparticles and particles does, thus giving rise to high-energy photons.
However, the biggest limiting factor in the production of antimatter is the availability of antiprotons. Recent data released by CERN states that when fully operational their facilities are capable of producing 107 antiprotons per second. Assuming an optimal conversion of antiprotons to antihydrogen, it would take two billion years to produce 1 gram or 1 mole of antihydrogen (approximately 6.02×1023 atoms of antihydrogen).
Another limiting factor to antimatter production is storage. Antimatter can be contained by a combination of an electric field and a magnetic field in a device known as a Penning trap.
Positrons were reported in November 2008 to have been generated by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in larger numbers than by any previous synthetic process. Also, antimatter is the most costly substance in existence, with an estimated cost of $62.5 trillion per gram.
According to CERN, it has cost a few hundred million Swiss Francs to produce about 1 billionth of a gram.
But that is not going to deter scientists in their attempts to cook new particles and wrench energy from the E=mc2 process. Particle physics could well be the ultimate frontier of energy studies. What do you say?
Efficient fertiliser
The Peepoo bag can serve as a personal, portable and low-cost latrine for all those who don't have one. Designed for use sitting, squatting or standing, the single-use, biodegradable plastic bag measures 14 by 38 cm and is lined with a urea-coated gauze layer that disinfects all waste. Used bags are odour-free for at least 24 hours and are safe for burial underground.
Within two to four weeks after use, however, their contents get converted to high-quality fertilizer. No chemicals, no energy intake, no water intake! The energy use in fertilsers accounts for 30-40 percent of energy used in agriculture. And 25 percent of emissions.
Following field tests last year in Kenya and India, the Peepoo bag is scheduled to begin production this summer.
How do you rate the innovation?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Do we care?
What better a way to honour environment day than to pay homage to Thomas Berry, a cultural historian by training and an ecological visionary, who recently passed away. He believed his generation had been "autistic" when it comes to the natural world. ‘Our progress as a civilization has been in direct proportion to our diminishment of the planet's lifesystems.’
We reproduce a few of Berry's thoughts here.
The ideal is to take the greatest possible amount of natural resources, process these resources, put them through the consumer economy as quickly as possible, then on to the waste heap. This we consider as progress—even though the immense accumulation of junk is overwhelming the landscape, saturating the skies, and filling the oceans.
In the process, Berry felt our inner world was affected too. Without the soaring birds, the great forests, the sounds and coloration of the insects, the free-flowing streams, the flowering fields, the sight of the clouds by day and the stars at night, we become impoverished in all that makes us human.
For the first time in history, the human is in the driver's seat, not only of cultural, but also of geological evolution. From biogenetic engineering through massive species extinction, ozone depletion, and climate change, humans are proving their reckless prowess over the unfolding of the planet.
Our ethics have not kept pace with our power. While we have codes and penalties concerning suicide, homicide, and genocide, we have no proscriptions against geocide.
For Berry, authentic progress rests in what he terms "the Great Work," through which we as a species move from being the planet's plunderers to its benefactors. The great work is ultimately the reinvention of the human.
This task will require a major reorientation of the four basic pillars of society—government, religion, the university, and corporations—which must embrace the earth and the universe as their primary educators. Or else we will become more soul-less than we are today.
Can we? Do we care?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Transition gear

Hydrogen fuel cells work like batteries, with the hydrogen ionizing into electrons and protons. The electrons are forced through a circuit, creating an electric current. The waste products coming out the end of the tailpipe are just water and a little bit of heat—much cleaner than internal combustion exhaust. One cell produces very little voltage, but stacked together they do quite well.
The Equinox can produce 94 kW, reach highway speeds of as much as 100 miles an hour (electronically regulated to prevent overtaxing the fuel cells), and go 150 miles on just 4.2 kilograms of compressed hydrogen.
Infrastructure will decide the fate of alternate technology. If there were enough places for people to fuel hydrogen powered cars, people would be more willing to buy them. But to create demand for the fueling stations, the cars have to be already sold!
Meanwhile, innovations continue. Based on the architecture of the Zero Emission Machine, an all-aluminum four-person pedal bike with room for the family dog and a few bags of groceries, the students at a US school attached a 1 horsepower 24 volt electric motor, solar cells, and an amp controller with electric regeneration properties, this street-legal road warrior actually seems like a viable alternative to cars for short hops to the supermarket.
How many will use this remains to be seen, but for those willing to clean-pedal, there is always a choice.
Gain some, lose lots?
While acknowledging Brazil for producing the most energy efficient and cost competitive ethanol in the world using sugarcane, he said that the country’s increase in ethanol production is a precursor to the continued destruction of the rainforests.
Biofuels are bad when they make use of food crops, excessive land and too much water. Recently many US companies are announcing new technologies to convert biomass to sugar without enzymes. Eliminating this step speeds up the conversion process, lowers costs and improves net energy.
In India too, there has been a scurry to grow these cash crops for big money that failed to materialize. It is now being advocated as a part of multi-cropping instead of mono-culture.
But given that the transport sector is one of the high-end guzzlers of oil, it makes perfect sense to look for an alternative to petrol. Biofuels obtained from waste materials could be a good option. As proved by Air New Zealand.
The company announced findings on a test flight from last December. Powered by a combination of biofuel and jet fuel, the test resulted in a fuel savings of 1.2%. It also cut CO2 emissions by over 60%. While a 1.2% fuel savings doesn’t seem like much, it is over 1 ton of fuel!
The test was conducted using a commercial 747-400 fitted with Rolls Royce engines. Rolls Royce had certified the fuel — a 50:50 blend of standard Jet A1 fuel and synthetic paraffinic kerosene derived from jatropha oil.
If civil aviation alone were to rely on biofuel, it would still mean supply has to pick up. And for that to happen, will it mean more forests cleared or food crops dropping? Is there any other way out?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The last straw
The bales will provide the main structure of the three-bedroom homes, which are described by the council as “typical, affordable, council houses”. What they’ll save: swapping bricks for straw will increase insulation by up to three times more than building regulations require, so these houses won’t need heating systems. They’re anticipated to cost less too: the council has budgeted £110,000 per house – £20,000 less than the equivalent brick-build. They can last for 200 years!
A hungry cow would end up looking at the homes like Hansel and Gretel did when they saw the chocolate version! Related question, if the straw were all to be used for houses, would cattle end up starved?
While on energy saving, IBM and Syracuse University are pairing up to build a new data center that will use 50% less energy than current data centers. They hope to build over the next six months a brand new $12.4 million, 6,000-square-foot data center that will shake up the idea of efficiency in the industry.
IBM is building out its completely virtualized, dynamic data center infrastructure so that workloads and applications will move from server to server to maximize the energy efficiency of the facility. The sensors built into the facilty will make it possible to direct the workloads to the optimal servers, as well as enabling the cooling system to target only the servers that need it, minimizing wasted cooling power.
IBM has been a leading innovator in energy efficient data centers, even going so far as to heat surrounding communities with waste heat from facilities. Google, Microsoft and many others have announced such ambitious programmes.
The power deficit in many parts of the world could easily be addressed if wastage is checked. Even at home. Why not give the youngsters at home a chance to earn pocket-money by simply switching off lights, PCs, geysers, etc? Give them the amount they save. We won't have to wait for the last straw!
Price for water
Nuclear plants, of course, are the biggest water hogs. Given the water scarcity scenarios looming globally, does it makes sense to build hundreds of new costly nuclear plants, each with a life of more than 50 years? If water shortages will mean shutting them down?
Power from the coal-fired plant is cheap because the water it uses is not accounted as also its emissions. Should the water factor be accounted for? Should the plants be charged for the water they use? More important, instead of building more and more plants, why not go for decentralised generation that uses the resources available locally? Even if it's poo power!
The Guardian reports that the German town of Lünen, will become the first town in the world to have its own dedicated biogas network. The 6.8 MW power plant at the heart of the network with take cow and horse manure, as well as other agricultural waste and spoiled crops from surrounding farms, and process it all into biogas, which will be used to generate both heat and electricity.
When completed it will generate enough power to supply about 26,000 homes. About 30-40% of the town's heat and electricity will be provided through the biogas network.