Wednesday, March 17, 2010

High-tech road

For tech-worshippers, here’s some exciting news. A prototype of a road that generates electricity when vehicles move and uses this to display signals, illuminate roads, etc is ready. The Solar Roadway is being touted as fresh air for the US economy by way of the jobs it will generate and manufacturing it will require!

With some quick calculations they’ve estimated that installing the Solar Roadway on every road in the US will employ 2.5 million people full time for 10 years. It will take just over 5 billion panels to cover all the US roads and each panel requires 6192 LED lights, a special glass covering and a circuit board.

Is this the best way to help economy recover? Funds and material are big requirements for the high-tech project. We pose the same question again – is it wise to pursue tech for the sake of tech? Can we afford to ignore the larger implications?

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