Thursday, September 4, 2008

Subsidies on fossil fuels

Why is there no concerted effort towards renewable energy in India? This, despite fiscal incentives. One big reason is the subsidies given on fossil fuels.

At a recent UN meet on climate change at Ghana, a UN report noted that a cut in subsidies could cut greenhouse gas emissions by six percent and also increase world economic growth! It quoted energy subsidies at a total of $300 billion a year.

In India, the report said that LPG subsidies alone totalled $1.7 billion in 2008. Meant to benefit the poor, these are mostly being used by the higher income households!

While it is necessary to enable the power for all motto, the practical question to ask is if this is possible with the present system. Would a better alternative be to have decentralised power with a distribution system catering to surrounding areas? It can be done, we have the werewithal. So why then?

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