The picture above is about a less known way to go green. Eat veggies and reduce the burden on the planet. How??
Help the planet with a vegetarian diet, or one at least that radically reduces meat consumption. It can have massive climate change mitigation benefits, according to a study presented at the Copenhagen meet. An area the size of Russia and Canada combined could be freed from use as pasture or cropland used to grow animal feed, if people switched from current levels of meat consumption common in Europe and the United States to a diet based on plant-based protein.
If this transition of dietary norms was started in 2010 and completed by 2030, and that pasture and cropland was allowed to regrow as forest, it would soak up such large amounts of CO2 that, in combination with the resultant reduction of methane emissions due to the animals themselves, the costs of climate change mitigation would drop by 70% by 2050. Even if large numbers stopped eating meet and freed land from grazing pressure, it would reduce mitigation costs by 50 percent.
If this transition of dietary norms was started in 2010 and completed by 2030, and that pasture and cropland was allowed to regrow as forest, it would soak up such large amounts of CO2 that, in combination with the resultant reduction of methane emissions due to the animals themselves, the costs of climate change mitigation would drop by 70% by 2050. Even if large numbers stopped eating meet and freed land from grazing pressure, it would reduce mitigation costs by 50 percent.
Meat processing industry is a big guzzler of energy and water. So makes sense to go vegan? What say?
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