Thursday, April 2, 2009

Clear the space above your head!

Danger from Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) generated by cellphones, routers, power lines and microwave ovens is a very controversial topic. Just when you have decided to relax and go on with life, the media highlights research that warns of dire consequences. Within a few weeks, another one contradicts this.

But an interesting study in Treehugger illustrates the danger from overlying power lines, as sensed by trees! (Remember the Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose who had demonstrated that trees have life and feelings too? He was the first to recognize the importance of electrical signalling between plant cells in co-ordinating responses to the environment )

Maple trees growing up under power lines tended to develop a bifurcated "Y" formation as the limbs seemed to grow away from the lines themselves. This was seen in tree after tree. The limbs appear healthy but seem to be keeping a distance from clear and present danger!

The wires are rated at 22 KV, 60 Cycle. Proving the theory, the site notes how in the control group, normal maple trees do not take the bifurcated Y shape but branch randomly.

The team concluded that there is no question, tree limbs are distorted by the power lines, and the only thing that could be emanating from the lines is the EMF and not voltage (as proved). It was also seen that where the limbs could not grow away from the lines, they were sheared off as if by a chainsaw, and then exuded a brown protective coating to seal the wound.

The team concludes that it is ‘probably prudent to keep transformers, routers, cell phones and hair dryers eight feet from your head at all times’.

Useful tip for our builders to keep in mind during these days where space is at a premium and buildings jostle with transformers and host mobile phone towers!

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