Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Connected with reality: Nokia

Nokia is the world's most sustainable technology company, according to Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, that looked at how over 2,500 companies in 50 countries incorporate sustainability into their practices. It was chosen as "World Technology Supersector Leader," making it the leader across the entire global technology sector.

Nokia has been integrating environmental and sustainable activities into the way it does business for more than a decade and the company considers the environment in ALL of the devices it makes by reducing environmental impacts in packaging, energy consumption, materials and manufacturing processes, and recyclability.

Nokia works with a number of public sector bodies, NGOs and voluntary groups to harness the power of mobile technology to address environmental, social or economic issues.

As part of its climate change strategy, Nokia is constantly working on reducing energy consumption and increasing efficiency across its business. Some of its actions include reducing travel, investing in research and development of new technologies using renewable energy resources, and plans to increase the usage of green electricity which already accounts for 25% of all energy the company consumes.

Creditable achievement. Let us hope more companies will follow suit.

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