Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fuel cells advance

With advances in nanostructured devices, lower operating temperatures, and the use of an abundant fuel source and cheaper materials, a group of researchers at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) are increasingly optimistic about the commercial viability of the solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) technology.

Electrochemical fuel cells have long been viewed as a potential eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels -- especially as most SOFCs leave behind little more than water as waste. The obstacles to using SOFCs to charge laptops and phones or drive the next generation of cars and trucks have remained reliability, temperature, and cost.

Fuel cells operate by converting chemical energy (from hydrogen or a hydrocarbon fuel such as methane) into an electric current. Oxygen ions travel from the cathode through the electrolyte toward the anode, where they oxidize the fuel to produce a current of electrons back toward the cathode.

The team has reported critical advances in SOFC technology that may quicken their pace to market. Lesser materials used, no platinum, low operating temperatures make it less costly and more reliable. High-performance solid-oxide fuel cells that operate in the 300-500°C range could allow their use in transportation vehicles and portable electronics, and with different types of fuels.

The use of methane, an abundant and cheap natural gas, in the team's SOFC was also significant. Until recently, hydrogen has been the primary fuel for SOFCs. Pure hydrogen, however, requires a greater amount of processing.

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