Thursday, February 26, 2009

1 cup coffee = 200 litres water

If told that your cup of latte coffee costs exactly 200 litres of water to make, what would your reaction be? Incredulous? Or dismissive as yet another gimmick by the climate change merchants to prick the conscience?

If you ask WWF, it is all about ‘changing the way we think’.

Look at the breakdown, by liters, of the water needed to make that latte:
0.1 for the water itself, 2.5 to make the plastic lid, 5.5 to make the paper cup and sleeve, 7.5 to grow the sugar, 49.5 to feed the cows that make the milk, 143 to grow the coffee!

As WWF says, this doesn’t mean we should stop drinking lattes but think about how our habits impact the environment. From there, we need to make and grow things more efficiently, and consume less of them.

This has to be done with the big picture in mind of how what we do affects the water, soil, energy, poverty, health, etc. The full life-cycle of the things we use from concept to landfill.It means a lot, lot of thinking. Can we?

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