Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Scotland aims big

California took a big step in requiring that utilities must source 33 percent of their energy from renewables by 2020. Scotland has pushed the ceiling higher - it will be producing at least 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025.

That was what its First Minister Alex Salmond declared recently. 'Scotland has unrivalled green energy resources and our new national target to generate 80% of electricity needs from renewables by 2020 will be exceeded by delivering current plans for wind, wave and tidal generation,” he says.

The predictions are based on an Offshore Valuation study, which estimates that by 2050 Scotland could be producing as much as 68 GW – or seven times its power needs – through offshore renewables.

By harnessing just a third of the region’s practical offshore wind and marine resources, Scotland could become a net exporter of clean energy. But enabling this transformation will be investment on a massive scale. The Offshore Wind Industry Group’s Route Map estimates that £200 billion in private finance will be necessary.

Now that is what we call leapfrogging, right?

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