Monday, September 20, 2010

Sticker ups efficiency

A large transparent sticker applied to the front of a solar panel increases the power output by about 10% or so. These polymer films are imprinted with special kind of microstructures.

There are three main actions that are activated by these polymer films:
· Preventing light from reflecting off the solar panel surfaces.
· Trapping light to stay inside the semiconducting materials which absorb the light and then convert it into power.
· Redirecting the light that comes in so that the light will travel along the semiconductor material surface and not just pass through the material; this increases the likelihood of absorption of light more than before.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory results prove the fact that the films increase power output between 4-12.5% even when cloudy weather makes the light diffuse. Just adding the films increase cost of power generation by 1-10% but benefits far outweigh the cost, claims the lab. The question to be proved is the test of durability – which will be best answered by future.

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