Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Two minutes' worth

If faced with an impending cataclysmic event like a fire, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, landslide, etc, that was going to wipe away your home, your accumulated possessions, what would you take with you, if you only had a couple of minutes to pack?

As the question goes to prove, that is an interesting thought-provoking article which is worth reading in full.

What would you take with you in the 2 minutes you have? Any quick answers?

The average person will start thinking on all that he has, maybe room by room. And ticking off what he prizes. The thought process can take some time. Just goes to show the junk we accumulate in our homes. Sifting through them mentally is tiring enough.

Finally as in the Australian bushfire mishap, most people will settle for saving their pets and albums. Goes to prove that stuff ‘that money can buy’ has no real importance unless it has an attached value to who we are. Relationships and memories are more important.

Then why do we clamour for more stuff? Why do we drive the race to deplete the planet’s resources, simply to occupy one forgotten corner of our homes?

That seems to be the lesson hitting hardest in ‘depressed’ America. Malls are seeing fewer crowds. Perhaps the Power of Less, written by Leo Babauta, has effectively sent home the message.

Living with less brings more space, more value and quicker decisions! Not to forget a sustainable planet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somewhere I have read, the richest man is not the one who has the maximum money, but one who has money left after his wants are satisfied. So, the lesser the wants, the richer you are! Another point is I have seen people notice only the face value of a product and forget the maintenance and other expenses. So, as you acquire more and more property, more of our time is spent in maintaining them and we are left with no time to enjoy. For example I have a choice of listening to music from my iPod, laptop, desktop PC, a pocket radio, FM 2in1,a Home Theatre,cable TV, World Space and the CD and cassette collection! And I am attending live concerts too! What an extravagant life!